2015年11月29日 星期日

2015年11月28日 星期六

王菀之註冊 軒仔即場「搶婚」

歌手王菀之(Ivana)今日於港島陽明山莊私人會所內,與設計師男友Eric So註冊,正式榮升蘇太。軒仔隨即貼出同Ivana親密攬攬的相片,好似成功搶婚,更留言話「多謝Eric的光臨」,十分搞笑!


資料來源: 巴士的報

2015年11月23日 星期一


Ana 今早在Facebook 貼出寶寶腳仔相
"Welcoming Baby Garland to the world."

資料來源:Ana facebook

2015年11月22日 星期日


尺寸:155 x 90mm 









尺寸:155 x 90mm 



詳情請瀏覽: https://www.facebook.com/heyheycard/   / www.heyheycard.com

2015年11月21日 星期六

喜喜資訊:感謝卡內文 Thank You Card Sample


Our sincere thanks
for all your good wishes
and very lovely gift

Thank you for enriching
our happiness
with your lovely wedding gift.

Thank you for sharing
our special day with us,
and for the very lovely gift. 

Our wedding would not have been 
complete without the support of 
our family and friends.
Thank you for sharing our day! 

This brings sincere thanks
for the lovely gift you sent.
We hope it helps to tell you
just how much it meant. 

Thank you for joining us
as we began our new life together.
Your generosity and thoughtfulness
were very much appreciated. 

Thank You
for joining us
on the most important
day of our lives. 

You have truly enriched our happiness 
with your lovely gift.
Thank you for giving us a lasting memory
of your kindness and generosity. 

You have truly enriched our happiness
with your lovely gift.
Thank you for giving us a lasting memory
of your kindness and generosity. 

Thank You for being there
on the most important day of our lives 

Your presence at our wedding has added 
much love to special our day.
Your gift has brought us joy and will 
help us build our life together

Please accept our sincere thanks
for the lovely gift.
Both the thought and the gift
made us very happy. 

Thank you for adding to
the joyful spirit of our wedding
with your presence
and lovely gift. 

Thank you so much
for being there on our wedding day
and for your most generous gift
for the start of our new lives together

With sincere appreciation,
we both send thanks to you
for your very lovely gift
and for your thoughtful wishes, too.

One thank you for the gift,
and another for the thought.
A dozen thank yous couldn't tell you
all the happiness they brought. 

Thank You!
We only hope that you had 
as much fun at our wedding
as we did! 

Thank You
for being a part of our joy
in such a special way.

A loving note can barely say
all we felt that magic day.
A heartfelt thanks is sent to you
for your thoughtful gift and wishes, too.

Please accept our sincere thanks
and God's blessings
for the lovely gift.
Both the thought and the gift
made us very happy.

We are so glad
that you were with us
on the greatest day
of our lives.
Thank You for everything! 

You brought joy to our day
warmth to our lives
and happiness to our hearts.

Thank you for your thoughtful gift!

The memories from our wedding day will always be treasured.
Thank you for sharing in our joy.

Thank you for adding 
to the joyful spirit of our wedding
with your presence 
and lovely gift. 

Words cannot express
the joy that we feel 
remembering that you shared
the beginning of our new life together.
Thank you for your very thoughtful gift. 

Just a note to thank you
and a line to tell you, too,
nothing was more welcomed
than the lovely gift from you.

Thank you for adding 
to the joyful spirit of our wedding
with your presence 
and lovely gift. 

Words cannot express
the joy that we feel 
remembering that you shared
the beginning of our new life together.
Thank you for your very thoughtful gift.

Being remembered
in such a nice way
Means a lot more than
Just "Thank you" can say! 

Thank you for giving us 
a lasting memory 
of your kindness 
and generosity. 

2015年11月19日 星期四

鍾麗淇誕細女 貼愛女溫馨合照


鐘麗淇在2010年嫁混血男友Nardone Ruggero,於2011年誕下愛女Isabella,今年又再陀B

鍾麗淇留言向大家報喜:「So happy to announce the arrival of Michela Nardone! Born on Nov 11 at 7.5 pounds.... we're all home, healthy and super happy ! It really warms my heart how Isabella looks so lovingly towards her little sister and gives her sweet lil kisses ️️️. Looking forward to the days ahead....」

資料來源 : bastillepost

何嘉莉低調再婚 嫁機師男友




資料來源 : bastillepost

2015年11月14日 星期六

喜喜推介: HeyHeyCard Candy! So Sweet!

HeyHeyCard Candy 登場啦! 等小編為大家介紹推出頭號三款產品啦 ~

推介01) 款式: BB007 | 50套起印

邊個話bb百日宴款式無創意架~ 色彩繽紛的Candy變成寶寶百日宴請帖!仲可以放埋寶寶相tim! 夠曬愛可搶眼啦~

推介02) 款式: LS024 


推介03) 款式: LS025 

仲有多款糖比大家選擇!快D去我地官網 www.heyheycard.comfacebook 睇下啦!





資訊來源: 古巨基facebook 

2015年11月11日 星期三



資料圖片來源: 新浪女人eLadies